Saturday, September 03, 2005

A lost city

After a week when the human family loses one of its special cities, OperaCast asks that we do what we can today. You can view a brief list that we now have up, a list in progress, that cites a handful of those organizations that are doing what they can right now to assuage the indescribable suffering in the Gulf. They need all our help:

Special opera offerings today include

At 1700/1:00PM:

KCSC's b'cast of either the exciting Bastille Tristan und Isolde with Heppner and W. Meier or the Geneva production of Janacek's From the House of the Dead with the superb Jiri Belohlavek at the podium.

Karina Gauvin stars in Handel's Alcina, over RDP Antena 2.

NPR WORLD OF OPERA presents Verdi's Il Trovatore, with Krassimira Stoyanova.

At 1730/1:30PM:

At Royal Albert Hall, Sir Charles Mackerras conducts Gilbert & Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore, over NRK stations.

At 1800/2:00PM:

Stephen Gould is heard in a rebroadcast of this summer's Bayreuth Tannhaeuser, over MDR FIGARO, NDR KULTUR, RBB KULTURRADIO.

At 2300/7:00PM:

A rebroadcast of Deborah Voigt's first Goetterdaemmerung Act III, from Tanglewood, over WDAV.

Finally, at 0059/8:59PM:

KING airs the last installment of Seattle Opera's Ring cycle, Goetterdaemmerung, with Jane Eaglen and Alan Woodrow.

These and many other operas are on offer today. So you are invited now to browse through all our listings.


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