Saturday, October 22, 2005

Saturday, October 22, 2005 . . . continued

Some interesting and curious offerings are on the boards for this Saturday.

  • ESPACE MUSIQUES (French Radio Canada) - A rebroadcast of the Covent Garden performance of Puccini's La Fanciulla del West with Andrea Gruber and Mark Delevan.
  • RDP ANTENA 2 - A May 2004 performance from Göttingen of Handel's Rinaldo, with Diana Moore, Dominique Labelle, Cyndia Sieden, Cécile van de Sant, Christophe Dumaux and Andrew Foster-Williams, conducted by Nicholas McGegan.
  • DR P2 - An April 2005 performance from Geneva of Donizetti's Maria Stuarda, with Joyce Di Donato, Gabriele Fontana, Eric Cutler, Giovanni Furlanetto and Marzio Giossi, conducted by Evelino Pidò.
  • KLARA - From the Pesaro Festival, a performance of Rossini's Bianca e Falliero, with Daniela Barcellona, Maria Bayo, Ornella Bonomelli, Dario Benini, Carlo Lepore and Francesco Meli, conducted by Renato Palumbo.
  • MUSIQ3 and RADIO OESTERREICH INTERNATIONAL - From Vienna, a live performance of Catalani's La Wally, with Violeta Urmana, Dan Paul Dumitrescu, Francesco Hong, Ambrogio Maestri, Elisabetta Scano and Nadio Krasteva, conducted by Carlo Franci.
  • RADIO 4 NETHERLANDS - From Brussels, an October 7th performance of Claus' Thyeste, with Dale Duesing, John Daszak, Harry Peeters, Helena Rasker and Lorenzo Caròla, conducted by Stefan Ashbury.
  • NPR WORLD OF OPERA - From Houston Grand Opera, Puccini's Madama Butterfly, with Patricia Racette, Paul Charles Clarke, Nicholas Phan, Mika Shigematsu and Peter Coleman-Wright, conducted by Patrick Summers.(On Saturday and again on Sunday one can still catch last week's NPR World of Opera offering, Saint-Saens' Samson et Dalila from Wshington National Opers, with Olga Borodina, Carl Tanner, Alan Held and Kyle Ketelson, conducted by Giovanni Reggioli).
  • KBYU - A January 2005 Utah Symphony performance of Janacek's Jenufa, with Cynthia Clayton, Josepha Gayer, Michael Hendrick, Robert Breault and Judith Forst, conducted by Robert Tweten.
  • NRK ALLTID KLASSISK and NRK P2 - Yet another performance of Jenufa, this one from Prague, featuring Drahomíra Drobková, Eva Urbanová, Jitka Svobodová, Tomás Cerný and Ales Briscein, conducted by Jirí Kout.
  • CESKY ROZHLAS 3-VLTAVA - A performance from Bavarian State Opera of Verdi's La Forza del Destino with Franco Farina, Violeta Urmana, Mark Delavan, Kurt Moll and Dagmar Pecková, conducted by Fabio Luisi.
  • ESPACE 2 - From Prague, a performance of Smetana's Dalibor, with Vilem Pribyl, Jindrich Jindrak, Gita Abrahamova, Daniela Sounova-Broukova, Antonin Svorc, Karel Prusa, Milos Jezil and Bohuslav Marsik, conducted by Ridijaroslav Krombholc.
  • FRANCE MUSIQUES - From Opere Bastille, a performance of Hindemith's Cardillac, with Alan Held, Angela Denoke, Christopher Ventris, Hannah Esther Minutillo and Charles Workman, conducted by Kent Nagano.
  • SVERIGES RADIO P2 - Somewhat of a curiosity, from Goteborg Opera, a performance of Cole Porter's Kiss Me Kate, in Swedish, with Ulricha Johnson, Johan Rabaéus, Sara Jangfeldt, Ulf Eklund, Lars Bethke, Camilo Bresky, Magnus Borén, Hans Josefsson, Peter Harryson, Lillis påkläderska, Marianne Schell and Johan WikströmRalph, conducted by Hans Ek.
  • CATALUNYA MÚSICA - From Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, a performance of Ponchielli's La Gioconda, with Deborah Voigt, Elisabetta Fiorillo, Ewa Poslés (I presume they mean Podles?), Richard Margison, Carlo Guelfi (replacing an indisposed Juan Pons), Carlo Colombara, Josep Miquel Ribot, Joan Plazaola and Celestino Varela, conducted by Daniele Callegari.
  • RADIO TRE (RAI) - Had originally scheduled a live Tosca from Naples, which has been cancelled due to a strike, so they will carry a 2003 Paris performance of Handel's Serse with Ann Sophie von Otter, Lawrence Zazzo, Silvia Tro Santafé, Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz, Sandrine Piau, Giovanni Furlanetto and Antonio Abete, conducted by William Christie.
  • LYRIC FM - A performance from the Wexford Festival of Floyd's Susanna, with Emily Pulley, Simon O'Neill, Stephen Kechulius and Glenn Alamilla, conducted by David Agler.

Happy listening!


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