timings are listed in both Greenwich Mean Time and Eastern Daylight Time. Europe and North America are both on Daylight Time. For those of you who live in other
time zones, you will need to make a calculation to derive the time of an event
where you live. In North America subtract four (4) hours (from GMT) for the Eastern
Time Zone, five (5) hours for the Central Time Zone, and six (6) hours for the
Mountain Time Zone. Subtract seven (7) hours for the Pacific Time Zone, eight
(8) hours for Alaska, and nine (9) hours for Hawaii. In UK, Ireland and Portugal
add one (1) hour to GMT. In most of the rest of Europe add one (2) hours (some
Eastern European countries are three (3) hours ahead of GMT). In the Southern
Hemisphere, Australia and New Zealand are on Standard Time (Australia is 11 hours
ahead of GMT; New Zealand is 13 hours ahead of GMT).
For those in the United States, it is useful
to keep in mind that broadcasts in the evening hours often appear in the NEXT
day's listings because they occur in the small hours in GMT time, which is our
primary reference in the following listings.
more information on time zone calculations, double click the time display on the
lower right of your screen (if you are using a PC) to display the Time Zone tab,
then click on the drop-down menu for a full list of time zones and their relationships
to Greenwich Mean Time. You may also let the TIME
CONVERTER do the calculations for you.